Learning & Development

Are you wasting your time?

If I could tell you, that there´s a way to save you time, energy, and mental space when it comes to job tasks. How much would you be ready to pay for it?

Let me let you into a little secret. It exists. It´s simple. And it´s free. And most probably you have heard about it many times before, but never gave it enough importance.

Automation is the solution to so many of the time-stealing issues and sleepless nights caused by forgetting something important.

As an Assistant, you have a lot of tasks on your hands on a daily basis. And if you take time to audit your role (you can use the Mapping exercise), you will notice that a lot of your to-dos are repetitive. Some of them repeat on a weekly, others on a monthly or quarterly basis. But after spending a few years in a role, for sure you have noticed the trends. The reports are repetitive, PowerPoint decks are built on the same patterns, annual events happen around the same dates, operational meetings take the same order. You name it - the list is endless. Yet, very often Assistants avoid using templates or technology to reduce the mundane repetitive tasks.

So the next time you will be doing something where you will catch yourself thinking ¨this is so boring. There must be a more efficient way to do it¨, take a pause, and think.

  • Maybe there´s a template you could use?

  • Maybe there´s a template you could build?

  • Maybe there´s a technology or an APP out there that could help?

  • How are other Assistants dealing with this time-stealing-annoying-boring-yet-important task?

To this day I know companies where Executives come back from meetings, handle their Assistants a bunch of new business cards, and some assistants still have to put in information from every card into the system manually. What a waste of time that is!! When you can have a Business card scanner APP like ABBYY or any other option from a long list that´s available on the market, WHY not do that? And save yourself an hour or two? And last but not least,- use the potential of AI and avoid the human error of missing a digit?

We often tend to act in the same patterns just because we are used to them. In a way, we have automated our own behaviors.

Yet, with technology evolving that fast, I promise you, that most likely there´s already an automation solution, template, or tech tool for most of your mundane time stealing Assistant tasks. You just need to spend a little time looking for it. We have built a Tech-Savvy PA e-book and cherry-picked the technology, APPS, and useful links that can help you automate most tasks. Or deal with them better. 

Yet, if you don´t find something you are looking for - we are always happy to look for it together with you. Just reach out to us!

Can COVID19 make your Assistant career bulletproof?

Every you turn, there´s pretty much only one thing only everybody talks about - COVID19. Regardless of where you are in the world, most probably you are already working remotely.

Some Assistants work with Executives that are constantly on the go - so having your boss not present physically is something you are comfortable with. Meanwhile, other Assistants are used to working face to face and shoulder to shoulder with their managers. So being completely remote brings a new set of challenges. And finally, some Assistants get laid off or worry that they might due to a shrinking economy. Which is scary and paralysing.

What is true though for most of the Assistants,- we have more spare time now than ever. There´s no commute, no dressing up for the office, no preparing meeting rooms or putting catering in place. If your role also covers some areas of office management,- today is the day when you have some spare time to review your to-do list and recalibrate your focus.

So what can Assistants do with their spare time? LEARN.

The nature of most Admin professionals is the eagerness to learn. Assistants are cut from a very special cloth - they are a the ¨Jack of all traits¨ yet they also master pretty much everything they do. Now it´s a good time to catch up not only with self-development and leadership topics, but also with an industry your company is in. Or maybe you rather spend time learning human dynamics and negotiations? 

I found myself learning about Computer Science at Harvard this week. As I am currently in a Tech Company - so the work-from-home weeks are a great time for learning something that you always wanted, but never had time.

World´s most prestigious universities like Harvard, Yale and Stanford opened their expensive online training programs. FOR FREE. Coursera - probably the biggest online training platform does the same thing. You can find pretty much ANY course you are interested in on those. The same thing goes for LinkedIn Learning - super quality training material that will teach you anything,- from Project Management to Public Speaking. And of course, there are wonderful channels tailored directly for Assistants and Admin professionals:





Or maybe you prefer to look inwards and learn how certain departments work inside of your company?

Maybe you can give an extra hand for Marketing or HR departments? And understand better how they work? Or now it might be a good time to understand better the Finances of your company? Whatever that is - most departments are happy to get extra pair of hands & a brilliants brain at this moment. Just talk to your Executive and managers in the company. The initiative and leadership is what matters most in critical moments.

There´s not a single reason to not use this extra time that we have for learning. So we can emerge after crises as even more bulletproof Assistants!